Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Supernatural - Free to Be You and Me, S05E03

I don't watch sitcoms. I don't tend to find them funny, more stupid or embarrassing. And I can't deal with embarrassing, particularly when it's cause by stupidity. But who needs sitcoms when you've got great shows like Supernatural. I watch and I laugh, out loud, at points close to hysteria.

And maybe you don't think I should think of Supernatural as hilarious. I mean, there's a whole lot of bad stuff going on.
1. The Apocalypse has begun
2. God is missing or dead
3. Sam and Dean aren't getting along
4. Sam and Dean are supposed to fight each other to death as the meatsuits of Lucifer and Michael respectively
and I could go on.

But if you did not laugh during the following moments this episode, than you are missing out.

Dean (while killing a vampire): "Eat it, Twilight."
Dean (speaking about Raphael): "You were wasted by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel?"
Dean (explaining things to Castiel); "Because we're humans. And when humans want something really really bad, we lie." (Cas: "Why?") "Because that's how you become president."
Dean (on Cas's potential last night on earth): "There are two things I know for certain. 1. Bert and Ernie are gay. 2. You are not going to die a virgin on my watch."

And poor Castiel's face at the prospect of being in a brothel and getting laid. I didn't know a man could look more terrified that a virgin on prom night.

Funny how an episode like this, which focused on the Apocalypse plot line and did not diverge, can still bring in why I love this show. And how badass is Dean that he can say stuff like that and still be considered tough and awesome, and not super geeky.

Did you love this weeks episode?

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