Saturday, July 24, 2010

White Collar - Need to Know, S02E02

I am absolutely loving Diana (Marsha Thomason). Although I truly enjoyed Season 1, Diana brings in an element which I loved in the pilot but which was lacking in the rest of the season. For Peter (Tim DeKay) to have a partner at work the same way Neal (Matthew Bomer) has one in Mozzie (Willie Garson) just evens everything out. Now all we need is to see a little bit more of Ellie (Tiffani Thiessen).

The political angle brought a new spin to the series. Sure, having Neal infiltrate a corrupt company is fairly standard, but the way he manipulated the press was delightful to watch, and who doesn't appreciate that amid everything else, he managed to create a park for the kids of the city. Neal is so very much the perfect man.

Then, the scenes leading up to Diana being thought to be a prostitute were even more fantastic. First, when she showed up at Peter's looking so fantastic, there was a hint of the illicit meeting. I remembered that she was a lesbian, but if viewers had forgotten, Peter almost immediately asked after her partner, killing any true consideration of the idea. But, naturally, the corrupt politician had no idea about this. Afterwards, when Neal and Diana shared the hotel room to give the illusion that they were sleeping together, we got to see Neal vulnerable and thinking about Kate - a necessary step to him eventually getting over her. But the best part is that Diana does not fall for Neal's charm, unlike every other women we see him interact with.

Also, Peter knows that Diana has the music box, so the consideration that she might have been corrupt is out and we know that she is absolutely loyal. Which is great, because I would hate for them to lose her again.

White Collar has stepped up its game for season 2, giving us more banter, more hilarity, more conning, and fantastic episodes. How are you enjoying it?

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