Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Warehouse 13 - Mild Mannered, S02E02

Warehouse 13 certainly got its geek on in this episode which centered around comic books and guest starred two actors from the beloved series Firefly. Seems like the show has gone from a more historical approach to one of major pop culture, but I'm not complaining as long as history isn't completely removed from the mix.

There's certainly something charming and humourous in the use of lines like "Who was that masked man?" and "With great power comes great responsibility," or "And so the city was safe once again." I'm sure most young men can relate to Pete (Eddie McClintock) and his obsession with comic books, while I understand Myka (Joanne Kelly) and her books a little better. Still, I do enjoy most of the main superhero stories and appreciate their value.

What I did not appreciate was Pete's hair. What is with his new hair cut? It looked absolutely ridiculous; I hope it grows out soon. Also, I'm not sure I exactly understood the point of Artie (Saul Rubinek)'s plot line. Hopefully it will resurface in the future, giving it more meaning.

The question I have for you was whether teaming up Sean Maher and Jewel Staite, who played Simon and Kaylee on Firefly, made this episode even better, or took away from it. On the one hand, seeing them reunited and as a couple certainly made me happy, but on the other hand I couldn't help but be as excited about seeing them as I was about the rest of the episode. What are your thoughts?

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