Sunday, July 18, 2010

Warehouse 13 - Time Will Tell, S02E01

Warehouse 13 continues to be absolutely goofy fun. The show completely lacks seriousness or sophistication, but that doesn't prevent it from being quality entertainment. Despite months since the finale of the first season, we were quickly reminded both of what previously happened, and of the key rules of the functioning of the artifacts and the world. It should be a good summer.

I was actually surprised to find Artie (Saul Rubinek) had survived the explosion at the end of last season, although pleased. I had truly believed he had been killed, which made events matter so much more than they might have otherwise. His survival was also quite credible, with the phoenix device saving him and still taking the life of another, and the escalation of danger remained when MacPherson (Roger Rees) died at the end of the episode. I did, however, wonder what the hell happened to Joshua (Tyler Hynes) after he was thrown off a balcony.

The pop culture humour increased significantly since last season; half of Pete (Eddie McClintock)'s comments were his amusing wit/sarcasm/silliness, and the other half were references. My favourite was the "Put the candle back" which he stole from Young Frankenstein, though the "I could have been a doctor" imitation of Marlon Brando was priceless. However, I wished that Mika (Joanne Kelly) had been given a slightly more prominent place in the script. I guess that there was too much going on to manage it, and Pete provides more entertainment than she does and thus got more attention.

Finally, I love love loved H.G. Wells (Jamie Murray). That she turned out to be a woman was brilliant, and her sexy yet determinedness was also well appreciated. Looking forward to having a female villain, particularly one who is a historic figure with a whole lot of bizarre scientific knowledge.

While Warehouse 13 will likely not be a priority for me this summer - obviously I've fallen behind on many shows and must chose a few to properly stick with while others fall behind, I will watch the entire season and posts will go up, even if they are a few weeks late. Will you be watching more frequently than I?

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