Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vampire Diaries - Fool Me Once, S01E14

This was a much better place to go on hiatus for over a month than the episode dating from before the Christmas break. How utterly heartbreaking...and what fear for the future it has given me.

I adore Ian Somerhalder. His portrayal of Damon ranges from pure evil, to cheeky bastard, to lost little lamb, and throughout all three, determination and pain prevail. He has been on a quest to recover his lost love for more than 140 years, and the pain of losing her because of his own brother's foolishness has grown with every passing moment. Katherine motivates everything he has ever done since even before he turned, so the discovery that she is not in the tomb, that, worse, she has always known where to find him, but has not, not only forces him to reevaluate all those choices over all that time, but will likely change him entirely. I am very excited to see Somerhalder have even more ammunition to work with.

And if Somerhalder's violent near-temper-tantrum was heart-wrenching, it was nothing compared to Katerina Graham's portrayed grief as Bonnie. Her entire body shook with sobs when she realized that her beloved grandmother had passed. Her desperation was no less than Damon's as she pawed through the grimoire in search of a spell that would bring her back.

But for all the grief and pain present, Caroline (Candice Accola) made up for it with such amusing speeches, giving Matt (Zach Roerig) an escape clause from their relationship, and then apologizing for being lame because she acted bizarrely in front of Damon and Elena (Nina Dobrev).

I can't wait for the show to resume on March 25. What will become of Damon? And are Anna and her mother gone for good? What about all the Vampires under the church - are they going to awaken and walk the earth once more?

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