Monday, March 15, 2010

Castle - The Mistress Always Spanks Twice, S02E16

This show just seems to get better and better every week! And the audience ratings are going up along with it. If you aren't watching Castle yet, don't worry, you will be soon. And you really should soon because it is so funny and clever.

Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) have such great chemistry and play off each other so well that it is quite impressive for me to state that this episode contained the best interaction between the two yet. Though, perhaps, in an episode where S+M is a huge part of the plot, it is not so surprising. "What aren't you telling me?" asks Castle. "So much, Castle. So very very much," replies Beckett.

In the pursuit of the killer, Kate played the dominating woman multiple times: to tease Castle, to make "Ricky" an appointment with Mistress Venom, and to confront a suspect. While Beckett is usually the most in control of the characters in the show, the difference between her usual competence and when she turned on the domination easily demonstrates the difference between a strong woman and a controlling and manipulative one.

The plot of The Mistress Always Spanks Twice also addressed the issues of codependent relationships. Though the obvious first suspect was the boyfriend who had been completely ignorant of the victim's other life as Mistress Venom, the real murderer was far more original, as well as equally based in the power structure of the relationship. The victim's roommate murdered her because she was leaving her to live with her boyfriend, and because she was hurt that the victim felt that she was controlling. It doesn't matter whether the relationship is sexual or platonic, violence can erupt whenever a perceived weaker party makes a stand.

The lesson is to be strong, but to be cautious. Always be cautious!

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