Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vampire Diaries - Under Control, S01E18

While the Founder's Day celebrations continue in Mystic Falls, things continue to go from bad to worse. I can't help but pity all the innocent townsfolk who have no idea about the constant dangers that surround them. But perhaps it is worse for all those who have some idea of how bad things are.

The arrival of John Gilbert (the delicious David Anders, whom you may recall as Sark on Alias) carries more danger than Damon (Ian Somerhalder), the recently relapsed blood-addict Stefan (Paul Wesley), and all of Pearl (Kelly Hu)'s recently released vampires combined. I'm not actually certain whom he poses the most danger to - the vampires or those innocent townsfolk - but it won't end well for someone.

Perhaps that someone is Jenna (Sara Canning). She's smart and beautiful and fun, and has worse taste in men than I do. Her attraction to Logan was clearly a disaster, her relationship with Alaric (Matt Davis) is overshadowed by his once-thought-dead-but actually-now-a-vampire wife, and now we learn that she slept with her sister's brother-in-law. And he clearly is not the kind of man who has respect for anybody.

Still, I am deeply interested in discovering what exactly John Gilbert has planned. He knows so much, and yet is telling Damon and Alaric, rather than the town council. I'm not sure how he thinks he can manipulate them, but he must want something...or is he just the kind of prick to revel in monologuing to his enemies because he knows he can't be killed.

Meanwhile, Stefan's addiction continues to get the better of him. He's a crack addict and he's just remembered how much he likes the stuff - my suggestion, he spend the next 10 years locked up...he might get it under control again that way. And Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) has learned everything that Elena (Nina Dobrev) knows about vampires by reading her diary, but he doesn't seem inclined to share his discoveries with her. Might be because she knew that Vicki was dead and she kept that from him. Oh, and Tyler (Michael Trevino) has one heck of a temper that's beginning to show. I wonder when we will learn his secret?

I continue to love this show; it's doing it's mythology perfectly, sticking with mostly known values and explaining additions or modifications with careful precision. Plus, the cast is very attractive.

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