Tuesday, April 13, 2010

V - Pound of Flesh, S01E06

V continues to show that it has tremendous potential to be riveting, while failing to achieve greatness. There are moments where I am pleased and excited, often followed by either disappointment or annoyance. And with crashing ratings, it had better prove itself quickly.

One of my favourite characters of the series is Joshua (Mark Hildreth). This may be partially because I have always like the actors, since he played Finger on the Odyssey back in the early 90s, but mostly, I love the position Joshua is in. He is a close associate of Anna's (Morena Baccarin). She trusts him as one of her closest advisers, have has no suspicion that he could possibly be one of those that might betray her.

In this episode, this proved both an incredible asset and a huge tragedy. Joshua was able to help Ryan (Morris Chestnut) and implant the rally call for the 5th Column, but he was also forced to betray friends and potential allies, to reveal their potential to feel, and to allow them to die by a test he administered. Certainly, he has some control, but not nearly enough.

The only other point I'd like to address is how grateful I am that the writer's made Georgie (David Richmond-Peck)'s sacrifice valid. When we first saw that he was going to the V ship to help Ryan, I could not understand his choice. I could not see how he could be of help if Ryan was in trouble, or what good it would do. But not only did he allow Ryan to escape the ship, and get back to his pregnant girlfriend (who is carrying a very creepy alien baby), he also allowed the rally call to be blamed on outsiders, keeping Joshua's cover.

I'm not sure what's going to happen to Georgie, or what I want to have happen to Georgie - perhaps a death worthy of Science Fiction?? I wouldn't miss him. I would miss Joshua, however.
What about you?

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