Friday, April 16, 2010

Stargate Universe - Divided, S01E12

Although Stargate Universe has maintained a plot line which I am interested and excited about since its return last week, I really with that a new development would happen to allow me to actually LIKE many of the characters.

The resemblance to BSG cannot be denied, but, where in BSG I always understood the different perspectives and the dilemmas, with SGU I have strongly sided with the civilians. The military has formed an uncompromising dictatorship and is creating the tensions on the ship by an unjustified self-righteousness. Frankly, despite the military's previous support of the Stargate franchise, it would not surprise me if the portrayal of the airmen and women in SGU resulted in the loss of that connection.

Colonel Young (Justin Louis) is, of course, the biggest problem. I just want someone to kill him because not only is he completely unreasonable when it comes to his demands upon the civilians, but he is so unpleasant as to have become irredeemable. Leaving Rush (Robert Carlyle) to die was a most heinous act, but it was also only the most recent bad choice the Colonel has made. Every time Rush suggests anything, based on the understanding of the complex system that is Destiny, Young ignores him out of sheer spite. He knows best because he is a colonel (a feat I cannot imagine how he accomplished), let any logic or reason besides his own be damned. I am very surprised he did not somehow manage to blow up the entire ship while Rush was MIA.

I have also recently developed a dislike for Eli (David Blue). Until now he has been the clever comic relief, but in this episode he sided with the military and not the civilians. What, he considers Rush's attempt to dethrone Young as a worse offense than Young's attempt to murder Rush? Chloe (Elyse Levesque) I have actually begin to like because she chose what she believed was right over her boyfriend!

I am very interested to see what the writer's are planning and how they are going to get the people on destiny out of this mess. The tension seems irresolvable (unless, I say again, someone simply offs Young). I hope, however, that the resolution will not be a cheap return to Earth to get some sort of ruling from the Pentagon. Although the use of the communication stones - to bring in an expert surgeon to operate on Rush - was actually cool and interesting, I still want them to be destroyed so that the writers do not revert to using them for very uninteresting plots.

Oh, and I was pleased (although not fully satisfied) that we finally got a mention about the conclusion of episode 8 - apparently it did happen, and although we only got to watch the 1st and 2nd attempts, the 3rd which we did not see must have had a happy ending.

Are you equally pleased with where the show is now going? What are your continued reservations?

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