Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caprica - Rebirth, S01E02

My commitment to watch Caprica continues to be based in my affections for its predecessor rather than anything the new show has done. That said, I did watch all 10 episodes of Stargate Universe that have already aired for the same reason.

The biggest problem I have with Caprica is that it feels directionless to me. Where is it going? What is it going to do? What sort of journey am I on? I cannot guess as to what sort of experience watching the show will bring me, and therefore can't guess if it is worth my time.

The opening sequence certainly is not worth my time. It's SO cheesy, with Joseph Adama/Adams (Esai Morales) kneeling before a family grave, and little William looking on...It just ends up being so contrived. It also really gives no hints about what we're getting ourselves into.

Then we get into the religious and moral questions being brought up. Clarice Willow (Polly Walker) is in a group marriage, which was not something that I recall having been common in Ancient Rome or Greece, so I'm interested to see where that's coming from, or going, or what the point of it is. And there was no ignoring that comment that Lacy (Magda Apanowicz) made about Zoe (Alessandra Torresani) being a trinity. Human Zoe was God, Avatar Zoe is her daughter, and the robot is the dove? If you say so.

At least the episode ended with the kind of turmoil that is leading somewhere. When Amanda Greystone (Paula Malcomson) announced that her daughter was probably the terrorist who bombed the train, well there is not way that isn't going to result in major repercussions for the family and their companies. But what does that really mean?

I need more, I want more. Give me something to sink my teeth into, which makes me excited and interested in Caprica for Caprica itself, and not because of Battlestar Galactica.
Are you craving this too, or is there something I'm missing that has won you over?

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