Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Good Wife - Infamy, S01E11

We are in January and shows are back after the Christmas break, starting with the highly acclaimed The Good Wife. Despite the ever increasing expectations, this show continues to deliver with interesting court cases, unique moments, and an intriguing conspiracy.

The last episode before the break (which I blogged about yesterday), had nothing to do with Peter Florrick (Chris Noth) and the reasons he finds himself in jail, and, at first, Infamy seemed equally directed elsewhere. Alicia (Julianna Margulies), although interested in a slander case which she had been preparing for two months, was sidetracked to consult on a divorce case. As she sat in the office with the lawyer and would-be divorcee, her attention was distracted by the shenanigans of the accused reporter bursting into what was supposed to be a settlement in a conference room across the hall. The divorce case had no interest for her, and thus even less for us, until we all discovered that the husband of the woman seeking divorce was Glen Childs, the man who put Peter in jail.

What a brilliant beginning, particularly after a lengthy break. There is still a case for the firm which makes us confront the morality of the law and our rights, but we cannot forget Alicia and Peter as individuals, as well as unfortunates caught up in someone else's game.

To miss an episode of this show, and thus to miss another reveal about Childs' plot or a discovery that the new information this episode will lead Alicia and Peter to is unthinkable.

Plus, seeing Will (Josh Charles) in a romantic situation with another lawyer, and not only to have it interrupted by the rumour that he slept with Alicia, but to discover that he has not been his usual sexual active self the last 6 months can only make me ask why! What were his previous habits and why did they change! And what was it about this lawyer, other than her tattoos, that made him bounce right back into his old habits?

What do you think? And where do you think Alicia and Peter's arch is going?

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