Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Merlin - Lancelot, S01E05

What is a story of Arthur and Camelot without Lancelot? Well, it's just one that dates to before the French got a hold of the legends and added him in. But Merlin was written well after that happened, and with all the playing with romantic connections, not including Lancelot would just be wrong.

When Merlin (Colin Morgan) is attacked whilst gathering mushrooms, Lancelot (Santiago Cabrera) saves his life with his amazing fighting skills. Naturally, he shows up and is immediately heroic. And as part of Merlin's plan to dress him up as a nobleman so that he can become a knight of Camelot, Lancelot meets Gwen (Angel Coubly), and there is instant chemistry, although she tries to deny it.

I got quite a laugh out of the scene where Merlin is trying to make Gwen choose between Lancelot and Arthur (Bradley James), while she still harbours a crush on Merlin. Particularly as she never made the choice. Interesting, though, that Lancelot immediately felt attracted to Guinevere, while Arthur has yet to particularly notice her as a woman.

Lancelot and Arthur's relationship was even more fascinating to watch. Their first battle was fought with two broom handles, and Lancelot lost. Yet he ended up besting the Prince in his final test to become a knight....through trickery. Arthur took quite a shine to the man, as he did to Merlin, and Lancelot has already presented himself as the perfect and honourable knight, saving Arthur (with Merlin's help), but refusing to take the honour when he knew it was not entirely his own.

Depending on how long the series lasts, I look forward to Lancelot's reappearances and the development of the love triangle between he, Arthur, and Gwen. In this series, so far, who do you think she ought to choose?

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