Thursday, September 10, 2009

Glee, the premiere

I don't really know what to say here. Glee was...well..unique? Sort of. Special might be a more accurate word. Bizarre, disturbing, yet somehow delightful. I think.

Bottom line? I want to see it again next week. So in that way the premiere was successful, but it's very hard to pin down or express the reaction I had to it.

If you have seen the premiere, either when it first aired in May or last night, you know what I'm talking about. In some ways, the show is SO stereotypical. The nice guy teacher whose wife wants him to get a "real" (read "lucrative") job, the uncompromising B*tch who coaches the popular Cheerleaders, the germaphobic guidance councilor who has her own issues, the jocks who will shave your eye brows off for watching Grey's Anatomy, the fashion savvy black chick with the amazing voice, the fashion savvy (probably gay) tenor, the kid with the stutter, the kid in the wheelchair, the overenthusiastic girl with the dream and the jock.
On the other hand, the show delivers terrific performative talent. We are continually serenaded with great music, recent hits, old favourites and show tunes. And it mocks itself openly. I was delighted by the performance of "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat" from Guys and Dolls; they used their "guy in the wheelchair" as the lead. Hilarious.

The show's success will be entirely derived from those continued performances, the singing, the dancing, that talent. The script is another matter. In 43 minutes, so many plot points and conflicts were addressed. There was enough there for a whole season.
Will, former glee member now high school teacher, takes over glee club, gets his wife pregnant, quits the school and the glee club to get a better job, and finally gets over it and goes back to the kids.
Finn, the jock, is coerced into joining glee, loves it but pretends he doesn't, gets paint balled by his team mates, quits glee club, refuses to flip a port-a-potty with wheelchair boy inside, announces he will do both glee and football.
I could go on, but I'm sure you've got the picture now.

The best lines and acting was Finn's, however, when he decided not to be a jerk anymore. "We're all losers," he tells his team mates.

So I'm interested to see where this is going to go. The biggest intrigue is that, other than the singing and dancing, I have no idea what's going to happen. It's too bizarre to be predictable. SO much happened in the premiere that I can't figure out where it's going to go next.
It will be interesting how well the writers can sustain a storyline throughout one season, let alone throughout many, but I hope they manage.
Whatever else can be said, Glee is not like any other show you're watching, so check it out and if you do manage to pigeon hole it, let me know.

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