Thursday, September 3, 2009

And so it begins

I have been thinking of starting a blog for some time now, talking about all the tv shows I watch and what I think about them. Perhaps, having just seen Julie and Julia, I was inspired to blog or perhaps I considered how many hours a week I spend watching television and decided I wanted to do more.

I do watch a lot of television. Let's see if I can list the shows I already watch faithfully:

True Blood; Mad Men; Eureka; Warehouse 13; Supernatural; Fringe; Bones; Castle; The Mentalist; Dollhouse; Dexter; Chuck.

Then add all the shows that I've previously watched and will likely watch again (Stargate SG1 and Atlantis; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Highlander; Battlestar Galactica; Firefly, etc), the shows I watch sporadically (House; Ghost Whisperer; Grey's Anatomy, etc), and the shows that I am excited about beginning this season (Stargate Universe; Eastwick; Flash Forward; White Collar; V, etc), and you'll realize that's a lot of television.

So join me for my thoughts on the shows you love, you hate or you don't know anything about. I'll post on every tv show I watch from now on (possibly individually, possible in short groupings), and sometimes I'll talk about books and movies and even plays that I've seen too.

So welcome! Hope you are interested in what I have to say.


  1. Not a bad premise . . . just how many hours a week do you watch TV?

  2. i think we also need to check out Glee this season. I was totally a "glee club" nerd type person in high school -- and it looks awesome :)
