Thursday, September 10, 2009

Insights on Stargate Universe

A friend posted this request "Danielle, what's your insight on Stargate Universe? It looks like SG meets Voyager in the style of BSG with hint of Lost in Space thrown in. What are you expecting of it?"

What am I expecting of Stargate: Universe?
The premise is Stargate (SG1 or Atlantis) on a spaceship, in a galaxy far, far away without one specific enemy (Goa'uld or Wraith or anything else). Which means the overarching story will be survival on the ship and trying to find the way to Earth. Yes, that's right, the same idea as BSG. But, do not fear, Stargate takes place today, with people from our Earth trying to get back to it. We know it exists from the start; Earth cannot be a myth.
Still, those who end up on this ship, the Destiny (which is a much more normal ship name than the Asgard-named Jack O'Neill), will have to deal with finding supplies, keeping the ship and its life support system in working order, and maintaining the hierarchy. As a military op, it will be interesting to see how many people on the ship end up being civilians, and if they have a problem with military rule.
The show is designed to appeal both to fans of SG1 and Atlantis, and to newcomers. We can expect the same humour we've come to love (including the references to Star Trek, Star Wars, etc), but this series is to be darker and edgier. According to Wikipedia, within the first 6 episodes, someone will commit suicide. This will not be the first Stargate suicide, so we will have to see how it is treated to determine the differences between previous deaths, but I get the impression that actions will have far more import in the contained ship that in the wide universe of previous seasons.
Also, it will be difficult to have cast members from previous series guest star. Yes, Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson will make their appearances in the premiere. Passing the torch like they did for Atlantis (interesting that it is still SG1 that is being carried on, and not Atlantis, but that shows you the importance of Earth). It's possible through flash backs or any number of weird scientific occurrences to have guest stars we recognize, but it will not be common or easy, like a simple visit through the Stargate. More likely a Samantha Carter from another dimension who ended up on the Destiny there and is now connecting with our dimension than the exact character from previous series.
I am very excited about this series. I'm sad that Atlantis was cancelled for it to exist, and I hope that there are no @#%$ing replicators in this series...there will be; it cannot be avoided, but I hate them SO much. Ugh! The scripts will continue to carry the essence of the Stargate world, and the actors (led by Robert Carlyle) should be able to step up. They've got a lot of pressure on their shoulders, but I have always liked SG casting. Besides, if someone isn't working out, they can just find a replacement on some random planet.

I hope that properly covers my expectations. What do you think we're going to get? Don't forget to watch the premiere on October 2.

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